
Monatliche Archive: Mai 2024

  1. Stammzelltherapie bei Pferden mit HorStem

    Stammzelltherapie bei Pferden mit HorStem

    Osteoarthritis (OA) ist ein chronischer, degenerativer Entzündungsprozess in den Gelenken, der mit Knorpelschäden und abnormalem Knochenwachstum einhergeht. Sie ist eine der Hauptursachen für Lahmheiten bei Pferden; in Studien konnten 60 % der Lahmheiten auf OA zurückgeführt werden.

    Die Behandlung der Arthrose zielt häufig darauf ab, die Entzündung zu verringern und die Schmerzen zu kontrollieren. Dies wird durch die Behandlung mit nichtsteroidalen Entzündungshemmern (NSAIDs) oder intraartikulären Kortikosteroiden (COs) erreicht. Heutzutage wird eine zunehmende Zahl von Therapien angewandt, die den Knorpelstoffwechsel und die Gelenkfunktion beeinflussen sollen, wie Hyaluronsäure (HA), polysulfatierte Glykosaminoglykane (PSGAG) und Pentosanpolysulfat.

    In den letzten Jahren sind Orthobiologika, d. h. biologische Substanzen, die zur Behandlung orthopädischer Erkrankungen eingesetzt werden, zunehmend in

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  2. Grovet is moving!

    Grovet is moving!

    Grovet is moving, to a new improved location! This move is a significant step forward in our ongoing commitment to providing you with the best possible service and further growing our business.

    We understand that changes can sometimes raise questions, so we want to assure you that we are taking every measure to ensure a smooth transition. Below are some key points you should know about our relocation:



    Due to the move, we will be closed from May 29 to May 31 2024. No orders will be processed or shipped during this period. However, it is possible to place your order. Orders placed before 2:00 p.m (May 28) will be shipped the same day. Order wider than usual to avoid missing out. 

    Orders placed after 2:00 p.m. (May 28) will be processed again from June 3 2024, please allow for some delay.


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  3. IceHorse for injury prevention and rehabilitation in horses

    IceHorse for injury prevention and rehabilitation in horses

    At Grovet, we have a wide range of unique brands, including IceHorse. The IceHorse product line is specifically designed for injury prevention and rehabilitation. IceHorse has a wide range of therapeutic wraps and head boots for cold and heat therapy. In this blog, we would like to introduce IceHorse's product line.

    The IceHorse Cold Capsule Inserts mold to the body and provide continuous cold therapy for more than two hours per application. The inserts are reusable, you can put the packs back in the freezer and within a few hours they are ready to use again. In addition, they are designed so that no liquid can flow in or out. IceHorse's  product range also includes Deep

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  4. Weaning season nutrition for foals and mares

    Weaning season nutrition for foals and mares

    What to expect in weaning season

    Aside from the lactating mare, the growing foal is the most demanding life stage in terms of nutrition. After foaling, the mare’s milk is perfect nutrition for the new foal that provides energy, protein and other essential nutrients to support healthy growth and development. After about two to three months, milk production begins to taper and additional nutrients will be needed by the foal to support his rapidly growing body. Young, growing horses seem to be able to adapt to a wide variety of nutritional management systems. The keys to any feeding program for developing horses is the same: to provide adequate, balanced nutrients and nurture a moderate, even rate of growth.

    As is true for all mammals, the importance of the mother’s milk from birth through weaning is indisputable. While still nursing, a foal will relatively quickly take an interest in sampling forage. This early testing of forage will kick-start the development

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