Coffea Praeparata 100 ml

Registration number:
NL: REG NL H 114741

Is the registration number of your country not listed? Then this product falls within the cascade control system.

Disclaimer: Product in the photo may differ from the actual product.

Coffea Praeparata 100 ml 

  • Stimulates blood circulation and metabolism
  • Excites the appetite
  • 0 day waiting period for milk and meat
  • Solution for oral use
  • Beef, sheep, goat, pig and horse

Instructions for use

Horse 50-100 ml p.o.
Foals 10-20 ml p.o.
Beef 50-100 ml p.o.
Calves 10-20 ml p.o.
Sheep, goats 5-20 ml p.o.
Lambs 1-5 ml p.o.
Pig 10-50 ml p.o.
Piglets 1-5 ml p.o.
Dog 1-10 ml p.o.
Pups 0.1-0.2 ml p.o.
Cat 0.5-2.5 ml p.o.
Rabbit 1-2 ml p.o.
Guinea pig 0.5-1 ml p.o.

Frequency and duration of application:
The indicated daily dose can be administered at once or divided into 2-3 servings throughout the day. Administer until cured, but no longer.

Rinse the dosing syringe with tap water after each use

Per 100 ml:
Active ingredients:

Decoctum from Coffea arabica tosta (ratio = 1:3)100 ml

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