Mega Base Junior 1000 ml

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A mineral and vitamin supplement conceived specifically for foals, fortified with copper. For an optimal skeletal development


MEGA BASE JUNIOR is especially developed to supply the foal’s needs up to weaning ; supplying vitamins, minerals and trace elements of high biological value that are readily taken up by the foal and quickly assimilated.


A mineral and vitamin supplement fortified with essential trace elements conceived for an optimal supplementation of the foal from 4 weeks to weaning and beyond.


Di-calcium phosphate, Glycerin, Lactoserum partially delactosed, Magnesium chloride. Additives/kg : Composed of trace elements: Zinc as chloride monohydrate (E6) 570 mg, Manganese as chloride (E5) 275 mg, Cupric chloride dihydrate (E4) 210 mg, Selenium (organic derived from Saccharomyces cerevisae CNCM I-3060 – selenium inactivated yeast) (E3b8.10) 19 mg, Iodine (potassium iodine) (E2) 2 mg. Vitamins and pro-vitamins: Vitamin A (E672) 10 000 IU, Vitamin D3 (E671) 1 520 IU, Vitamin E / all-rac-alphatocopheryl acetate (3a700) 760 IU, Niacin 460 mg, Folic acid 305 mg, Ca-D-pantothenate 229 mg, Vitamin K3 76 mg, Vitamin B1 as chloride 69 mg, Vitamin B6 (3a831) (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 50 mg, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 46 mg, Vitamin B12 11 mg, β-Carotene (E 160a) 4 mg. Aromatic substances: Glycine 2 600 mg.

Dosage and administration  

- Horse 500 kg: For optimum supply of minerals, vitamins and trace elements. In cases of weight loss and for sufficient joint protection. Daily ration: 20-40ml
- Brood mares: after bagging up. Daily ration: 20-40ml
- Foals to 2 year-olds: For basic supply, in sucking foals, development of locomotor apparatus. Ration:  20ml Twice weekly beginning with 4th week. For degenerative processes, hoof problems (stumpy hoof), postural anomalies, general subnormal development.  Ratio: 20-40ml Three times weekly beginning with 8th week

- Mid-sized breeds: Such as Halfling, Appaloosa, Quarter Horse, etc. = ½ above ration
- Small breeds: Such as Iceland Pony, Shetland Pony, etc. = ¼ above ration

Mare's milk, the main nutrient source for foals, unfortunately does not nearly meet the requirements of growing animals for several important volume elements and trace elements. According to Sonntag, 1996, foals in the 3rd month of lactation receive only 37% of their Ca requirement, 20% of their Mg requirement, 17% of their P requirement and 12% of their Fe requirement via mare's milk. Copper reserves must be stored in the foetal liver and mobilized post partum, since the copper content of mare's milk is very low. However, 61% of aborted or early-death foals showed insufficient Cu reserves (Hebeler et al., 1996). Therefore, 2 of 3 early-birth foals are very likely to have Cu deficiency, and even in normal births low copper reserve levels with subsequent deficiency can be assumed. Zinc-levels in foal livers correlate with metacarpal values. Insufficient reserves may be the cause of disturbed skeletal mineralisation and subnormal development. Vitamin A reserves in the liver of newborn foals are very limited. Colostrum contains large quantities of it, in spite of which foals show serum values like those in old horses suffering from deficiency'. Vitamin A supply from grazing is also insufficient (Kronfeld et al., 1996). Direct substitution in foals - i.e. not via the mares - is recommended (Greiwe-Crandell, 1996).Pasture grass cannot remedy a mineral deficiency. According to Finkler-Schade et al., 1996, the following percentages of foals on pastures in Westphalia showed deficiencies, some of them to a considerable extent: Ca 100%, P 100%, Mg 90%, Fe 20%, Cu 100% and Zn 70% For many foals the situation does not change significantly in winter. Despite the administration of minerals in the 38 breeding operations surveyed, Hackländer et al., 1996, found the following supply situation for foals during the stable period: in 16% of operations deficiency of Fe, in 3% of Mg, in 30% of Cu and in 30% of Zn. The overall impression of an uncertain supply of important nutrients to foals during this most important phase of life fits in with the many postural and limb anomalies observed during the grazing period in sucking foals, very frequently after the 5th month of their lives (Finkler-Schade, 1996), as well as the joint, bone and tendon pathologies in foals, weanlings and yearlings summed up in the English and American literature under developmental orthopaedic disease (DOD). Even though other causes for these orthopaedic conditions cannot be excluded in all cases, the following facts are indisputable: • Supply deficiencies can be expected in nearly all foals • Supplementation may show surprising efficacy and • Irreparable later damage to the skeleton and locomotor apparatus can be avoided by early supplementation, i.e. beginning no later than the 3rd month of life EQUISTRO MEGA BASE JUNIOR is formulated especially to meet the requirements of a sucking foal during the first 7 months of its life. It contains mineral, trace element and vitamin compounds produced in processes that preserve their high biological value. The liquid product form means ready metabolic availability. EQUISTRO MEGA BASE JUNIOR helps ensure basic supplies of nutrients required for the harmonious and regular development of the skeleton and the locomotor apparatus in foals. Beginning with the bagging up, EQUISTRO MEGA BASE JUNIOR can also be given to mares to increase the reserves of certain nutrients in the foetus and to ensure initially higher content levels in mare's milk. '
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