Mega Base 3 kg

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Alimentation animale supplémentaire

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99% of calcium and phosphorus is stored in the skeleton of the horse, which shows the importance of the two elements for the stability and function of the bony structure.

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'Equistro Mega Base A 500 kg horse requires, depending on the expected performance, 25-50 g Ca and 12-40 g P / day. The requirements are highest with mares in late pregnancy and foals in the first year. Longer periods of Ca deficiency can lead to bone tumescence and inflammations. Increased requirements and deficient supply in times of strain lead to disquiet, muscle problems and locomotor disturbances. The normal Ca/P ratio should not drop below 1:1 and not exceed 3:1. In EQUISTRO MEGA BASE the Ca/P ratio is 5:1 to compensate for normal feed.
Sodium and chlorine Sodium and chlorine maintain the osmotic pressure of extracellular liquids and regulate the acid/base balance and water balance. A 500 kg horse requires 10g Na and 40g Cl, but the requirement may be six times as high depending on the workload. In such cases, additional high-volume supplementation in other feeds is indispensable. Magnesium Magnesium is required for the activation of many enzymes - including those involved in muscle metabolism - and it influences the protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Adult horses require between 10 and 13g Mg/animal/day, foals between 5 and 10g. Since only pasturing will (in most cases) ensure sufficient intake, it is necessary to supplement magnesium in winter. In cases of insufficient magnesium intake or utilization, or in cases of rapid depletion and low reserves under mental and physical strain, horses react with stress symptoms such as inappetence, exhaustion, poor condition, hypersensitivity, nervousness and sweating or neuromuscular symptoms such as muscular tremor, cillosis, muscle tenseness, cramps and cardiovascular disturbances. Since the magnesium content in mare's milk drops off rapidly, only 20% of the foal's requirement is ensured from the 3rd month. A connection is suspected between supply deficiencies of magnesium in foals and the occurrence of anomalies in posture and limbs. Iron Iron is required for the formation of haemoglobin and myoglobin and is therefore important for the supply of oxygen by the erythrocytes - and thus for performance. According to Finckler-Schade et al., 1996, 20% of foals in pasture showed insufficient supplies, and 16% of the operations checked in winter showed insufficient supplies acc. to Hackländer et al., 1996. Iron is depleted by lactation, haemorrhaging and sweating, with approx. 20 mg iron loss per kg of sweat. Deficiency symptoms include performance drop off, inappetence, weight loss and anaemia. Feed supplementation with iron may become necessary after severe worm infestation and occasionally for high-performance horses (Ahlswede, 1991). Copper Low reserves in the foal's organism and a low copper content in mare's milk frequently result in a copper deficiency in growing foals, which may lead to osteochondrosis. Even in older animals, imbalances in the trace element content of feed (e.g. too much iron) or a high phytate content may result in Cu deficiency. The content in dry substance should not be under 20 mg/kg and not in excess of 50 mg/kg. Manganese In regions with calcareous soils or light sandy soils, the assumed minimum requirement for horses of 30-40 mg Mg / kg feed dry substance may not be reached. Zinc Horses of all ages require approx. 50 mg zinc / kg feed dry substance. This requirement is usually not met with green fodder and hay. In summer, as many as 70% and in winter as many as 30% of young animals have supply deficiencies. A supplementation of up to a 1 mg of elemental zinc / kg body weight / day is therefore recommended. Foals that are given feeds low in zinc may show stunted growth or developmental orthopaedic disease (DOD). Other zinc deficiency symptoms include delayed wound healing, hoof, skin and coat damage and susceptibility to stress. Horse sweat contains 10 mg zinc / kg. Methionine Methionine is the second most important protein building-block in horses. It is required, e.g. in keratogenesis and influences coat condition and hoof horn strength. Methionine can be converted into the non-essential amino acids cysteine and cystine. Growing foals, pregnant and lactating mares and hard-worked stallions at stud must have particularly good supplies of essential limiting amino acids such as methionine. Sulphur A horse weighing c. 500 kg probably requires approx. 6 g sulphur / animal / day. Sulphur is a component of amino acids such as methionine, cystine and cysteine, vitamins such as biotin and thiamine and many important body substances such as heparin, insulin, coenzyme A and chondroitin sulphate. The protein keratin contains 4% sulphur. For the most part, horses are able to utilize only the organic sulphur in its feed. So the horses' requirements must be adequately met by 'organic sulphur suppliers' such as methionine. Vitamin A With its protective effect on the epithelium, vitamin A influences the skin, respiratory, urinary and sexual apparatus, especially in young and in pregnant animals. In adult animals, vitamin A deficiency may lead to hoof splitting and a greater sensitivity in the area of the flexor tendon; lameness due to squeezing of nerve cords may also result from disturbed bone metabolism in cases of vitamin A deficiency (Meyer, 1996). At least in winter, a supplementation of vitamin A (or beta-carotene as its provitamin) is indispensable. Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 supports the absorption of Ca and P from the intestine as well as the reabsorption of Ca from the kidneys. Supply deficiencies can cause inappetence, or due to reduced bone mineralisation can cause the horse pain when standing. The maintenance requirement is 5-10 IU / kg body weight / day, for brood mares and foals it is 15 IU (Meyer, 1996). Vitamin E The antioxidant effect of vitamin E is crucial for the protection of muscle cells and the maintenance of the muscle tone. Vitamin E hinders the synthesis of peroxides and protects cell membranes against free radicals. The requirements for horses during the growth period, breeding and in competitive sports are much higher than the uptake from feed. The vitamin E requirements increase even further when fat-rich feed is administered to raise the energy intake. Vitamin E and selenium supply deficiency in foals and adult horses may result in poor performance, stiffness, unwillingness to move, poor rideability, myogelosis and muscle inflammations, equine paralytic myohaemoglobinaemia, white muscle disease in foals, tying-up syndrome in racehorses. Normal winter hay and oat rations provide only 5% (!) of the normal requirement. At least 2,000 mg should be administered per animal and day. '
calcium carbonate, glucose, dead yeast, lactose, sodium chloride, dicalcium phosphate, Zinc, Copper, Organic form of selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D3.
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