Pyrogenium Compositum 100 ml

Numéro d'enregistrement:
NL: REG NL H 120298

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Pyrogenium Compositum 100 ml 

Homeopathic veterinary medicinal product without approved therapeutic indications used in accordance with the principles of homeopathic medicine.


  • Diseases with fever
  • Udder inflammation
  • Uterus inflammation
  • Intercostal inflammation
  • Respiratory tract infections

Indications d'utilisation

For subcutaneous injection. According to the target animal species and in dependence on body weight, the single dose is:

Bovine 10 ml
Calf 5 ml
Horse 10 ml
Pig, sheep, goat, foal 5 ml
Piglet, (goat)lamb 1 ml

10 grams (equivalent to 10.2 ml of injection solution) contains:

Active ingredients:

Argentum Metallicum Dil D30 3.30 g
Lachesis mutus Dil.D8 3.30 g
Pyrogenium-Nosode Dil D15 3.30 g
(HAB, Vs 44)


Ethanol 20 % (v/v)
Isotonic sodium chloride solution (0.9 g/100 ml)

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