Monthly Archives: July 2024

  1. High-energy, focused shock wave technology with PulseVet

    High-energy, focused shock wave technology with PulseVet

    For many years, the technology of PulseVet and its predecessor VersaTron, has been used successfully in the treatment of horses. The therapy has proven effective in several clinical trials to treat many indications, including wounds, tendon injuries, back pain and fractures.

    The PulseVet technology 

    PulseVet uses electrohydraulic sound waves, these focused and high-energy shock waves can reach deep tissue. Locally, these waves trigger a tissue reaction. Multiple proteins, osteogenic and angiogenic growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines are released in the tissue. Bone and tissue growth are stimulated. In addition, the formation of new blood vessels leads to increased local blood flow. These processes inhibit inflammation and promote recovery.

    The PulseVet device 

    The PulseVet

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  2. Oxtra DD, the only registered oxytetracycline for horses in Belgium and the Netherlands!

    Oxtra DD, the only registered oxytetracycline for horses in Belgium and the Netherlands!

    Oxtra DD 100 mg/ml Oxytetracycline

    Oxtra DD is an antibiotic for the treatment of infections caused by oxytetracycline-sensitive organisms. Oxtra DD is a solution for injection for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs and cats. 

    What is Oxtra DD?

    Oxtra DD is a bacteriostatic antibiotic with high bioavailability and a broad antibacterial spectrum of action covering both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Oxtra DD gives good concentrations both in deep tissue and intracellularly. 

    Oxytetracycline inhibits protein synthesis in susceptible bacteria. It binds to the receptors on subunit 30S which prevents the addition of amino acids to the growing peptide chain, thereby inhibiting protein synthesis.    

    Oxtra DD can be administered intramuscularly every 24 hours thanks to its special formulation, either at low doses or at higher doses

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