NL: REG NL 104489
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Detomidine HCl injectable, Country of Origin: NL,
Per ml: 10 mg Detomidinehydrochloride
- Research for diagnostic purposes, such as endoscopy and X-ray images.
- Changing Wound, hoof treatments and bandage.
- Minor surgical procedures such as castration and removal of tumors.
Dosage and administration:
For intramuscular or intravenous administration.
10 up to 80 micrograms of detomidinehydrochloride per kg body weight, depending on the desired effect.
Detomidine HCl
Nr. | AST004 |
Registratienummer | NL: REG NL 104489 |
Merk | AST Farma |
Koelproduct | Nee |
Actief Ingredient | Detomidine |
Doeldier | Vee, Paard |
Kanalisatie | UDD |
Aantal in omdoos | 0 |
Ingrediënten | Detomidine HCl