
Excell E 1000 ml

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Improved rideability and performance with optimised muscular metabolism and active cell protection. Liquid vitamin E concentrate with selenium, lysine and magnesium.


Excell E' Scientific Informations Active cell protection for horses The function and physical power of the horse's muscles depend on the sufficient supply of certain nutrients that protect and nourish the individual muscle cells. Supply deficiencies weaken the defences of the muscle cells against damaging metabolic effects. The consequence is deficient oxygen supply and damage to cell membranes caused by so-called 'free radicals'. This may lead to a general drop-off in the horse's performance, to poor condition, unpleasant riding qualities, stiffness, laziness, strains, myogelosis, muscle inflammations, lumbago and degenerative muscle diseases in foals. EQUISTRO EXCELL 'E' contains vitamin E, selenium, magnesium and lysine - 4 bioactive and highly bio-available nutrients to optimise the muscle metabolism. Vitamin E restricts the synthesis of peroxides and protects cell membranes against free radicals, optimises muscle and heart muscle performance by improving oxygen supply to cells * protects erythrocytes from decay and supports erythropoiesis * enhances the activity of mitochondria and the energy metabolism * enhances immune defences by influencing the synthesis of ubiquinones * enhances stress buffering by influencing the activity of the adrenal cortex Selenium interacts with vitamin E. It is a component of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that deactivates peroxides. In regions where the soil contains little selenium, fodder alone can often not ensure sufficient selenium supply. Specific muscular diseases in foals and working horses may the be result. Therefore, selenium should be supplemented, but the overall limit of 2 mg selenium / kg of feed dry substance must not be exceeded (see also EQUISTRO SUPER 'E'). Magnesium is necessary for the activation of many enzymes - also in the muscle metabolism - and it is involved in the protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Adult horses require between 10 and 13 g Mg per animal and day, foals between 5 and 10 g. Since only free-grazing horses can usually be assumed to get sufficient amounts of magnesium, supplementation is indicated in winter. In cases of sub-normal intake and utilization of magnesium or when bodily reserves are quickly depleted under severe mental and physical stress, horses react with stress symptoms such as inappetence, exhaustion, poor condition, excitability, nervousness and sweating or neuromuscular symptoms such as muscular tremor, cillosis, muscle tenseness, cramps and cardiovascular disturbances. Lysine is the single most important building-block in the muscle synthesis of growing foals, weanlings and remounts in training. The maintenance requirement is at least 23g lysine per animal and day. In mares during pregnancy and lactation, the requirement increases to 50 g per animal and day, and the same applies to growing horses and working 2-year-olds. Trials have shown that the supplementation of 40 g lysine per day in foals significantly improved their weight increase and muscle formation - measured in the m. longissimus dorsi - in comparison to animals with lower lysine supplement levels. EQUISTRO EXCELL 'E' is thus particularly suited for horses in training and competition. EQUISTRO EXCELL 'E' relieves muscle tenseness, improves rideability and increases muscle power and stamina. Other uses for EQUISTRO EXCELL 'E' include oestrus induction by supporting the ovary function and follicle maturation in brood mares, protection of the foetus through synergies with ß-carotene as well as the initial care of healthy, but especially of sickly, foals. EQUISTRO EXCELL 'E' contains all these nutrients in prime quality, highly bio-active and bio-available to ensure an optimum in efficacy. High nutrient concentration in liquid form ensures practical application as well as a high level of acceptance by horses, with rapid and complete uptake of the feed supplement.'


'General Muscle metabolism, muscle cell protection, muscle strains: 20 ml dailyCompetition horsesCondition, rideability, muscle performance and competition performance improvement: 20 ml Daily during training and competition phaseAdditives per kg vitamin E: 112.500 mg; selenium: 25 mgProduct form Homogeneous liquid 1000 g/mlsuffice for 50 daily rations for a 500 kg horse Administration Via feed or drinking waterPackaging dosing bottle 1000 ml'
Magnesium chloride, Glycerin, Selenium, L-Lysine, Vitamin E
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