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Neutradex 5L

Houdbaar tot:
NL: REG NL 1694

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Neutradex is muscle and urinary buffer designed for horses and dogs.

Disclaimer: Product op de foto kan afwijken van het daadwerkelijke product.


Neutradex contains sodium acid citrate in a thick sugar syrup base. The acid-citrate salt is a buffering agent. It provides mild neutralising power against alkaline salts, but strong neutralising activity against acid salts that build up in the blood or urine following racing, trialling and handslipping. * Neutradex is most beneficial when used after a galloping to quickly neutralise lactic acid build-up in the muscles and blood to prevent soreness and discomfort. * The sodium in Neutradex stimulates the horse to drink which assists after race recovery. * Neutradex helps avoid dehydration after racing and flushes acid and metabolic wastes from the kidneys.


Routine Use Neutradex is recommended as a routine kidney tonic' after hard racing. It is not recommended for every day use because of its potential to increase the excretion of potassium by alkalinising the urine. Dose: The standard dose rate is 6mL mixed into the morning milk (or given by syringe over the tongue) for at least the first morning after a race or trial and preferably the two mornings following a hard race. Note: Do not give Neutradex within 24-36 hours prior to racing. Alkalinisation of the urine may increase the excretion of potassium and the flushing effect may wash-out other pre-race supplements such as B-Complex vitamins, reducing their retention time and benefit. Neutradex is a caramel-flavoured syrup '
NEUTRADEX Neutradex contains sodium acid citrate in a thick sugar syrup base. The acid-citrate salt is a buffering agent. It provides mild neutralising power against alkaline salts, but strong neutralising activity against acid salts that build up in the blood or urine following racing, trialling and handslipping. * Neutradex is most beneficial when used after a galloping to quickly neutralise lactic acid build-up in the muscles and blood to prevent soreness and discomfort. * The sodium in Neutradex stimulates the horse to drink which assists after race recovery. * Neutradex helps avoid dehydration after racing and flushes acid and metabolic wastes from the kidneys.
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