MSM Pure 1000 g
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Ondersteuning bij herstel en gevoeligheid voor blessures
Synovium MSM Pure 1000 gr
Hoogwaardige fijne kwaliteit MSM, waardoor de opname hiervan optimaal is.
- Ondersteund paarden welke herstellende zijn en/of gevoelig zijn voor peesblessures
- Ondersteuning bij slecht herstel na (intensieve/zware) training
- Bij slechte doorbloeding en doffe vacht
- Bij brokkelhoeven
Toedieningswijze en dosering
Paard: 30g per dag
Pony's en veulens: 15g per dag
Dagelijks toevoegen aan het voer
Een maatschepje bevat 30g
Let op
Synovium MSM Pure mag maximaal 9 maanden per jaar worden gesupplementeerd!
Usage Horse: add 30 g to the daily feed (one scoop contains 30 g) Small horse / pony: 15 gMSM-PURE is a natural product used as a food additive for humans and animals.
Scientific research shows that MSM-PURE could exert some protective effect on oxidative and inflammatory exercise-induced injury and this effect was potentiated by Vit C.
(Acta Vet Scand. 2008 Nov, 7, Maranon et al)
MSM-PURE is a natural product used as a food additive for humans and animals.
MSMPURE contains a high level of biologic available sulphur. A horse will use MSM-PURE for the synthesis amino acids and proteins.
MSM-PURE can be added to the daily feed and aims to help in an optimal muscle metabolism and keeping sound of tendons and ligaments (and it’s attachment to bone).
Helps in the support of the muscle metabolism and recovery of tendon- and ligamentlesions.
Counter indications
MSM-PURE has no counter indications
Keep out of the reach of children.
Store at room temperature < 25°C