Forage 20 kg

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Bonpard Forage 20kg

Bonpard Forage Supplement
Bonpard Forage is a complementary feed developed specially for horses with a diet consisting only of roughage and little to no concentrates. Roughage provides enough protein and energy but often does not provide enough vitamins and minerals. This deficiency can also be present when horses are fed small amounts of concentrates. The Bonpard Forage supplement has been developed to suit the needs of healthy horses, nothing more and nothing less. 
Horses being fed nothing other than roughage often need supplemental copper, zinc, selenium and vitamin E. Copper and zinc have been added as readily available and tasty hydroxyl minerals. Selenomethionine provides a readily available source of selenium.
Provides a healthy and complete ration
Is necessary if < 1-2 kg concentrate feed is fed per day (ponies-horses)
Tasty and bioavailable minerals
Convenient pellet form


Dosering/ Dosage/ Dosage/ Dosierung:
20 g per 100 kg lichaamsgewicht per dag/ 20 g par 100 kg de poinds corporel par jour/ 20 g per 10 kg bodyweight per day/ 20 g pro 100 kg Körpergewicht.

1 maatschepje is 50 gram/ 1 cuillère est de 50 grammes/ 1 measuring spoon is 50 grams/ 1 Messlöffel ist 50 Gramm.

Analytische bestanddelen per kg/ Composants analytiques par kg/ Analytical components per kg/ Analytische Komponenten je kg:

Ruw eiwit/ Protéines brutes/ Crude protein/ Rohprotein 13,4%, Ruw vet/ Matières grasses/ Crude fat/ Rohfett 2,8%, Ruwe celstof/ Cellulose brute/ Crude fiber/ Rohfaser 25,4%, Ruw as/ Cendres brutes/ Crude ash/ Rohasche 10%, Calcium/ Calcium/ Calcium/ Calcium 2,82%, Fosfor/ Phosphores/ Phosphorus/ Phosphor 0,19%, Magnesium/ Magnésium/ Magnesium/ Magnesium 0,18%, Natrium/ Sodium/ Sodium/ Natrium 0,10%. 


Nutritionele toevoegingsmiddelen per kg/ Additifs nutritionnels par kg/ Nutritional addtives per kg/ Ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe je kg:

Vitamine E All-rac-alpha-tocopherylacetaat/Vitamine E Acétate all-rac-alpha-tocophéryle/ Vitamin E All-rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate/ Vitamin E All-Rac-Alpha-Tocopherylacetat (3a700) 5000 mg; Vitamine B1 Thiamine mononitraat/ Vitamine B1 Thiamin mononitrate/ Vitamin B1 Thiamin mononitrate/ Vitamin B1 Thiamin mononitrat (3a821) 350 mg; Vitamine B2 Riboflavine/ Vitamine B2 Riboflavin/ Vitamin B2 Riboflavin/ Vitamin B2 Riboflavin 250 mg; Koper-Dikoperchloridetrioxide/ Cuivre-Trihydroxychlorure de dicuivre/ Copper- Dicopper chloride trihydroxide/ Kupfer - Dikupferchloridtrihydroxid (3b409) 1000 mg; Zink-Zinkchloridehydroxide monohydraat/ Zinc-Hydroxychlorure de zinc monohydraté/ Zinc-Zinc chloride hydroxide monohydrate/ Zink-Zinkchloridhydroxid-Monohydrat (3b609) 3500 mg; Selenium-Natriumseleniet/ Sélénium-Sélénite de sodium/ Selenium-Sodium selenite/ Selen-Natrium-Selenit (E8) 5 mg; Selenium-Selenomethionine/Sélenium-Sélenométhionine/ Selenium- L-selenomethionine/Selenium-L-Selenmethionin 5 mg (3b815)


Samenstelling/ Composition/ Composition/ Zusammensetzung: Luzerne/ Luzerne/ Alfalfa/ Luzerne, Suikerrietmelasse/ Melasse de canne à sucre/ Sugar cane molasses/ Zuckerrohrmelasse, Zonnebloemolie/ Huile de tournesol/ Sunflower oil/ Sonnenblumenöl.

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